Smelly Boxing Gloves - What To Do

Smelly Boxing Gloves - What To Do

Boxing gloves play a considerable role in protecting an opponent’s face and a fighter’s hands from injuries during a fight or training. However, the most common problem with wrestling gloves is that they get wet during fighting from the sweat. Not only this but these gloves often also get very damp and smelly over time because of bacteria that is created. The only reason behind this is dampness and moisture caused by sweating which stays in the Boxing Gloves if they are not well-maintained and dried out. This comprehensive guideline will provide you with valuable insights into what to do when your wrestling gloves become smelly. So, keep reading!

Keep Your Gloves Dry At All Times

quality wrestling gloves have air-breathing

Guess what? You’ll feel bad to hear that once the gloves get smelly there is nothing you can do but purchase a new pair. However, if the gloves are just starting to get a little smelly or not too bad, most people try some ways to get rid of this problem, like Baking Soda, Anti-Bacterial Spray, and Saltwater Soak. It is advisable to never go for washing in a washing machine or Newspaper stuffing options. Most techniques don’t work at all, instead, they worsen the situation. Some of the practices may cover up the smell but it will soon come back in the future.

There are different stages of the smell and it doesn’t matter what you do. Once the smell in your boxing gloves is at a critical level, it won’t be possible to get rid of it. Some boxers often get used to the smell that makes their hands stink after using the gloves. In that case, buying a new pair of gloves is what you can do. Adjust yourself in the new set to remain confident in the ring.

No need to get worried at all; there is good news as well. Some boxing gloves are less prone to getting smelly unlike others and the primary reasons for this are listed below. If you’re thinking of purchasing new gloves for a seamless training experience, you should consider these points.

  • Material
  • Design Features
  • Hand Wraps
  • Use Frequency
  • Storage
  • Glove Deodorisers


Ensure to go for quality natural leather gloves which not only breathe but also allow moisture to escape more. This is a far better option that must be considered when purchasing wrestling gloves. This tip would also help if you don't want your gloves to be stinky and smelly. No denying that gloves made of synthetic material are also more durable and have better quality. But, these boxing gloves still have the tendency to accumulate bacteria and get smelly in the end.

Design Features 

Thumb Air Holes - Most quality wrestling gloves have air-breathing holes along the length of the thumb on the inner side or punched at the end of the inner thumb area, most effective and very simple. These holes allow a very little amount of air in and out of the thumb area, making it stay cooler and by letting air circulate easily around the thumb area. 

Mesh - Mesh inserts are helpful in keeping your hands cooler, allowing the wrestling gloves to dry out much faster once damp. However, these breathable mesh inserts are typically sewn in the inner thumb area or glove palms to help with airflow around and in the glove. This ultimately helps the hands of the boxer stay drier and cooler while training. If the hands are hot, it indicates more sweat will be produced. This is more common in Northern parts of Australia.

Use Frequency

If you use your wrestling gloves only two times a week and also keep them in the bag when not required, smell and stinkiness shouldn’t be a problem. However, if you use your boxing gloves three times a week, the smell would be a major issue. One of the other ways to combat the problem is having 2 pairs of gloves. The first thing you must consider is to have a separate set of gloves for pad work and bag work, usually smaller 10 or 12OZ boxing gloves or even cheap bag mitts. Afterward, use a pair of 16OZ wrestling gloves for sparring as well as partner work.

This helps the boxing gloves to not get too wet, making them dry out easily between uses. However, the glove’s foam in the wrestling or training gloves will last 2 to 3 times longer and save you valuable money in the long run. Unlike bag gloves, sparring gloves are more expensive.

Use Hand Wraps

You must always ensure to use hand wraps during all fighting and training sessions, to protect your hands and keep your boxing gloves fresher. However, hand wraps effectively put a barrier between your sweaty hands and are extremely helpful in keeping sweat from damaging the glove foam. Though hand wraps help, you still need to keep the hand wraps clean. Otherwise, the wraps will get smelly and start to stink after a few days.

Using Stink Preventers - Fuminators Inside Your Boxing Gloves

Natural - Crafted from eco-friendly, non-toxic bamboo charcoal.

Absorbs Moisture - Bamboo charcoal is considered a highly porous material that helps remove moisture in an effective manner, preventing odor at the same time.

Re-Active - For longevity of the Fuminator, you need to place it in the sun one time a month for over 1 to 2 hours to recharge - for around 1 year.

Re-Usable - Ensure to place the Fuminator pouches inside your boxing gloves after using and then leave them overnight.

On top of all of the above, boxing glove stink stoppers may also be used to prevent stink issues.

Prevention Is The Best

Prevention is the best choice - the only way to keep your gloves protected against getting smelly.

Get The Gloves Out Of Your Bag As Early As Possible

Leave your boxing gloves out of the gym or boxing bag altogether. Now, hang the wrestling gloves on the bag strap simply attaching your Velcro straps together. Or else, you can hang your gloves through the bag handle. The more air enters the gloves, the more they will be smell-free. So, if you can transport your boxing gloves outside your bag, ensure to do it quickly.

Wear Hand Wraps

Always wear hand wraps when fighting. This will help not only support but also protect your hands as well as your bag gloves or boxing gloves. Besides, the hand wraps absorb a lot of sweat and significantly prevent the transfer of moisture to the boxing gloves.

Use A Blow Dryer

If you need to do a lot of training for the competition within a short time and also want to dry your gloves quickly, it is recommended to use a blow dryer. However, it is also advisable to use the blow dryer with a cool setting because heat can harden the leather and damage the gloves.

Recommended Methods To Clean Your Gloves

The Stuffing Method

One of the other effective methods to clear your boxing gloves is to stuff them with “glove dogs”. Glove dogs are small cotton bags filled with cedar chips that effectively draw bacteria out of the wrestling gloves and restore their freshness, making them clean and leaving them smelling fresh. This stuffing method plays a vital role in absorbing all the excess moisture in your gloves, and drying them out. So, if you want to prevent the buildup of smelly bacteria, ensure to stuff your gloves with glove dogs. This will in turn also increase the lifespan of your wrestling gloves.

Use Anti-Bacterial Spray

You can stop bacteria and germ buildup within your wrestling gloves by applying an anti-bacterial spray. However, if your gloves have become too dirty and have also developed a thick stench, it is advisable to spray them to get rid of all the bacteria buildup. Once you’re done spraying, hand your gloves where there is fresh air or in the sun. This will not only freshen them up but also keep them clean for the next training session. Use this method to clean your gloves.

Use Baking Soda

Baking soda is commonly used for cooking purposes, but trainers, fighters, and boxers can use it to clean and deodorize their boxing gloves too. To clean wrestling gloves with baking soda, you will need baking soda, a pair of old socks, and some paper towels.

  • Wipe the inside and outside of boxing gloves with paper towels.
  • Afterward, put baking soda into two socks and then tie a knot to prevent the soda from falling out.
  • In the end, put the socks in the gloves, leaving them overnight.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also effective for cleaning gloves, as well as gym bags, Headgear, shoes, punching bags, etc. However, you need to follow these steps to clean your gloves using apple cider vinegar.

  • Put one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in your hand.
  • Now, rub this into the inside of your boxing gloves.
  • Afterward, dry these gloves overnight so that the stink is gone in the morning.
  • For extra smelly, dirty gloves, a few additional applications of vinegar are required.

Concluding Remarks

Getting rid of smelly, stinky gloves can be challenging. All you’re left with in the end is buying a new pair of boxing gloves, right? Hopefully, by reading this guideline, you’ve got a clear understanding of what you need to do when the training, sparring, or wrestling gloves are dirty.

Get Elite Boxing Gloves From Maal Star Boxing!

Are you thinking of buying a new pair of boxing gloves? With so many options available on the internet, it can be a difficult task. Maal Star Boxing offers premium-level gloves, made from 100% leather at competitive rates. Whether you live in the United Kingdom (UK) or the United States of America (USA), you can secure your order for superior-quality boxing gloves from this online store. Gloves with different sizes and color options are included in their wide inventory.
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